Last updated: December 26, 2022 by @abmarnie

Concise Version

Initial Setup

  1. Sign up for GitHub.

2-7. Download, install, and setup Git and Git LFS.

  1. Make a local Git repo inside your Unity project using git init.

9-12. Add and commit the .gitignore, .gitattributes, and .gitconfig files.

  1. Create a new remote GitHub repo, and link it your local Git repo.
  2. (Optional). Invite collaborators.
  3. (Optional). Write a good README (project style guide, coding standards).

Everyday Workflow

  1. Open Git Bash and navigate to your Unity project folder (your Git repo).
  2. Keep your local repository up-to-date with any changes made by your collaborators using the git pull command.
  3. Use the Unity Editor to work on your project and save your work frequently. Communicate with your team to avoid merge conflicts.
  4. Check the status of your repository using git status when you reach a stopping point.
  5. Commit and push your changes using the following commands (in order): git pull, git add ., git commit -m "description of changes", git push.

Introduction and Prerequisites

This is a short guide for those who want to quickly setup a distributed version control system using Git and GitHub in their next Unity project. It is geared towards people who have never used Git or GitHub before. Some prerequisites are: